
Healthcare Software Development Firm

As a leading healthcare software development firm, we excel in transforming your innovative healthcare concepts into reality, while strictly adhering to HIPAA regulations. Our skilled team of healthcare software engineers and innovators specializes in creating predictive, preventive, and maintenance healthcare models. Partner with us to advance well-being through state-of-the-art software solutions.

Our Healthcare Software Solutions

At Metro Midas, our certified healthcare software engineers deliver unparalleled custom healthcare software development services. We prioritize client needs, utilizing cutting-edge technology to create seamless solutions that benefit healthcare professionals and patients.

HIPAA-Compliant Custom Healthcare Software Development

Our clients have consistently trusted us in developing HIPAA-compliant mobility solutions. Time and again, our medical technology software developers have been referred by our clients or directly approached for their expertise.

Healthcare Software Product Development (HSPD)

Your journey to a successful healthcare product development is just a consultation away with our healthcare software developers. Our dedicated software developers for healthcare have turned many dreams into reality. Get your HIPAA, GDPR, and other compliant software ready swiftly.

Healthcare Software Integration Services

Our healthcare software engineers focus on optimizing workflows. Additionally, we assist in creating intuitive healthcare mobile applications with pre-built solutions using APIs, following Healthcare Insurance Databases, HRM software, Electronic Data Interchange, and more.

Tailored Healthcare AI Solutions

To meet the rapidly evolving demands of the healthcare industry, our software developers can harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to create innovative solutions. Healthcare service providers can streamline workflows and improve patient care with AI-powered healthcare solutions.

Healthcare Information Technology Consulting Services

As a renowned healthcare software development firm, our subject matter experts assist healthcare app enthusiasts in creating digital platforms using technologies that best match their needs. Our healthcare software services are scalable and can handle traffic as needed.

Integrating Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality in Healthcare

Our medical technology experts assist you in implementing Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) to facilitate a rapid understanding of surgical procedures, aid in diagnostics, and provide an interactive classroom-like environment for medical practitioners and students.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Healthcare

Our healthcare software developers can assist you in easing the workload of medical professionals with robots that streamline time-consuming and costly tasks such as answering patient queries, scheduling appointments, sending appointment reminders, and ensuring efficient documentation.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare

Engage with our healthcare software consultants to enhance patient care, increase operational efficiency, and develop innovative solutions for healthcare challenges. IoT solutions enable the easy collection of patients' data through wearables, sensors, and medical devices.

Healthcare Data Analytics Software Solutions

Engage our offshore healthcare software experts to develop healthcare data science solutions such as scalable data warehouses and OLAP analytics, and utilize artificial intelligence to analyze data and provide actionable insights. The systems created by our healthcare software engineers gather data from diagnostics, sales, and marketing departments.

Collaborate With Us to Develop These Healthcare Use Cases

Engage healthcare software developers from our team to innovate healthcare solutions by collaborating on these key use cases for enhanced patient care and medical progress.

Organizational and Practice Management

Our healthcare software developers can create advanced hospital and clinic information systems to help you manage workflows efficiently. Additionally, you can optimize your finances, operations, and clinical work.
- Healthcare Organizational Management Software
- Practice and Hospital Administration Software
- Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Solutions
- Incident Management Systems
- Medical Billing Solutions
- Insurance Eligibility Verification Systems
- Healthcare Claims Management Software

Patient Care and Services Management

Metro Midas ensures advanced patient care delivery and high customer satisfaction by creating patient engagement ecosystems. With digital health services designed by our software developers, your patients can access their health-related information and book appointments.
- EHR Software Development Services
- Healthcare Information System (HIS) Solutions
- Medication Administration Software
- Clinical Decision Support Systems
- Telemedicine Software Solutions
- Patient Engagement Software
- Chronic Disease Management Systems
- Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions

Medical Imaging, Laboratory, and Diagnostic Solutions

At Metro Midas, you can also request custom medical imaging software solutions. Our software developers go the extra mile to ensure that radiologists and physicians can work quickly and collaboratively.
- Medical Imaging and Laboratory Software
- Medical Image Analysis Software
- Invitro Diagnostics Software
- Provider Portals
- Patient Portals for Diagnostic Results Sharing

Medical Device Technology Solutions

Develop specialized applications, portals, and software for specific user groups such as healthcare professionals, patients, and imaging centers. Engage healthcare software developers and share your concepts with them.
- Software Development for Medical Devices and Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)
- Cloud Software for Data Storage, Analysis, Device Management, and Integration
- Cloud Applications for Biosensors
- Machine Learning (ML)-Based Medical Image Analysis
- ML-Based Sensor Data Analysis
- Augmented Reality (AR) for Diagnosis and Treatment
- User Software for Medical Devices
- Patient Applications for Medical Devices (e.g., Wearables, Smart Devices)
- Medical Staff Applications (e.g., for Medical Device Configuration)
- Portals for Medical Staff

Healthcare Data Management and Operational Solutions

Collaborate with a healthcare software development firm to create software that manages your overall business operations. Additionally, you can incorporate functionalities such as registering clinical trials, ensuring a smooth supply chain, and managing healthcare e-commerce.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
- Clinical Trials Management Software
- Supply Chain Management Software
- Healthcare E-commerce Solutions

Healthcare Software Development Services for End Customers

Partner with our dedicated software developers to create top-notch applications and portals for your patients and healthcare professionals. We specialize in developing tracking apps, direct-to-consumer medication delivery apps, and physician portals for our clients.
- Medication Management and Tracking Applications
- Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Medication Delivery Solutions
- Physician Portals

Medical Training and Educational Solutions

Are you considering building an educational platform for doctors and nurses to provide training? Reach out to a healthcare software product development agency to discuss your ideas and receive tailored healthcare software solutions.
- Digital Workspaces for Healthcare Professionals
- Medical Training and Education (Including Virtual Reality)

Patient Access and Communication Solutions

If you're considering developing a mobile app or website specifically for patients, you've come to the right place. Creating patient-centric applications can improve their experience and attract a larger audience.
- Patient Tracking Solutions
- Patient Applications
- Patient Portals for Appointment Scheduling and More
- Healthcare AI Chatbots

Technologies and Tools We Utilize for Healthcare Software Development

We employ cutting-edge tools, state-of-the-art technologies, and modern approaches to enhance the growth of your business.

Cutting-edge Technologies

Big Data | Data Science | Computer Vision | Machine Learning | Augmented Reality | Blockchain | Internet of Things | Virtual Reality

Front-End Technologies

CSS | HTML | JavaScript | Angular | React | Vue.js | Ember | Meteor | Next

Back-end Technologies

Microsoft .NET | Java | Python | PHP | Node.js | Golang


Docker | Kubernetes | MESOS | OpenShift | Ansible | Puppet | Chef | SaltStack | Terraform | Packer | AWS Developer Tools | Azure DevOps | Google Developer Tools | CI/CD | Jenkins | TeamCity | Zabbix | Nagios | Elasticsearch


SQL Server | MySQL | Azure SQL Database | Oracle | PostgreSQL | Cassandra | Hive | Apache HBase | Apache NiFi | MongoDB

Mobile Application Development Technologies

Flutter | Cordova | Xamarin | Ionic | React Native

Desktop Technologies

C++ | Microsoft WPF | Python | C# | Qt | Objective-C

Cloud Technologies

AWS Amazon DocumentDB | Amazon RDS | Amazon Redshift | Azure | Azure Blob | Azure Cosmos DB | Azure Data Lake | Azure SQL Database | Azure Synapse Analytics | Google Cloud Platform | Google Cloud Datastore | Google Cloud SQL

Healthcare Software Compliance Standards We Adhere to:

We offer healthcare software development services with strict adherence to globally approved compliance standards in the healthcare sector. This regulatory compliance software ensures data security and provides peace of mind to patients and healthcare professionals. The healthcare compliance standards we strictly adhere to include the following:
We adhere to GDPR, HIPAA, and HITECH regulations to ensure data protection and privacy in healthcare software development. Additionally, we comply with standards such as HL7, FHIR, DICOM, ICD, CDA, and ICPC-2 for interoperability and data exchange.

Empowering the Healthcare Sector: Tailored Healthcare Solutions for Our Clients

We don't limit ourselves to specific types of healthcare development; we excel in creating various websites and applications. Whether it's patient-focused, designed for healthcare professionals, or serves both audiences, Metro Midas delivers quality work, skilled developers, and flexible pricing options, including hourly, monthly, or fixed rates.
- Healthcare Software Product Companies
- Innovative Healthcare Software Product Startups
- Healthcare Providers
- Healthcare Organizations
- Medical Device Manufacturers
- Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) Companies
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Biotech and Life Science Companies
- Healthcare Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Medical Education and Research Centers

Healthcare Software Development Timeframe by Metro Midas

Unlike others, we prioritize efficiency in development, which helps us keep software costs down. We adhere to a structured timeline for every software development project. Below is a detailed breakdown of our timeline:
- Medical Software Project Initiation Time: Less than 7 days
- MVP Release Time: Less than 3-4 months

- New Healthcare software version Time: <1 month

Why Choose Us for Custom Healthcare Software Development:

Metro Midas is renowned for providing affordable rates for custom software development services. We prioritize quality and on-time delivery, making us a reliable choice. From scalable architecture to meticulous detailing and effective project management, we ensure compliance with industry standards. Partnering with Metro Midas can be a worthwhile investment.
HIPAA, HITECH, GDPR, NCPDP, ONC, MDR, SAMHSA, IVDR, MACRA, MIPS, CEHRT, SAFER Compliant Healthcare Software Development Company
Compliance with OWASP, IEC 62443, and other healthcare software security standards

Proficient in DICOM, FHIR, ICD-10, HL7, LOINC, Blue Button+, CDS/CDS-1, CCD, and CPT healthcare standards

Familiar with FDA Class II and III, IEC 62304 classes A, B, and C technology for medical devices

In-house healthcare product development


How does Metro Midas reduce healthcare software development costs?
Metro Midas believes in maximizing cost savings for our clients. To achieve this, our healthcare software developers implement cloud-native architecture, utilize APIs and third-party components, and conduct automated tests.
How does Metro Midas ensure the safety and security of data in healthcare software development?
Metro Midas complies with ISO 27001 to ensure top-notch security. Our healthcare clients have never reported security breaches in their systems. We go beyond the healthcare vertical, ensuring that any potential security breach is identified during the development stage to be fixed before the healthcare product goes live.
What healthcare software solutions does Metro Midas offer?
Metro Midas is capable of building a range of healthcare software solutions, including:
- Electronic Health Records (EHRs) & Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)
- Patient Portals
- Practice Management Solutions for Medical
- Inventory Management Systems
- Ongoing Medical Education Platforms
- Customized med-tech solutions with enhanced functionalities and features.
We have successfully completed over 15 healthcare projects with 100% satisfaction.
Does Metro Midas provide custom healthcare software development services?
Yes, Metro Midas offers custom healthcare solutions tailored to your needs. Our track record demonstrates our ability to deliver convenient and compliant healthcare software solutions that meet geographical standards.
Does Metro Midas develop healthcare mobile applications?
Yes, our healthcare software developers specialize in building mobile apps for both patients and healthcare professionals. We can create applications for iOS, Android, or even cross-platform use.
Does Metro Midas create prototypes for healthcare software?
Yes, our med-tech software developers build prototypes to provide clients with a visual and interactive representation of the final healthcare solution. We also iterate on the prototype based on client feedback to ensure it aligns with their expectations before proceeding with the development of the final healthcare product.
Top-Tier IT Experts
Metro Midas Technology is the exclusive hub of dedicated software developers, UI/UX designers, QA experts, and product managers with incredibly rare and hidden talents. We provide access to exceptional IT talent globally, ranging from independent software developers to fully managed teams.
Aligned Time Zones
Time zone differences are never a constraint when working with Metro Midas Technology. We follow a simple procedure - aligning our developers' schedules with your time zone. Hire dedicated software developers from us, and collaborate seamlessly from afar, ensuring work is done according to your time zone, deadlines, and milestones.
Experienced Team
Whether you require expert developers in emerging technologies or an extended team to supplement your existing one, we can assist in both scenarios. As a full-stack software development company, we have a team of skilled and experienced software developers available for hire to address ongoing business challenges at your convenience.